
Wednesday, 15 November 2017


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Introduction: Hook, the 4 W’s
Paragraph 1: What is Athletics Day? Which house were you in?
Paragraph 2: What types of sports and events were there?
Paragraph 3: What was your favourite event or part of the day?
Conclusion: Reflect: Do you think you did well? Did your friends do well? What did you think about the whole day?

Start writing here….

Last week on Friday the hole of ptengland schoool had athletics there where team but it was colour team there was red, blue ,green and ,yellow when I got to school Mr Goodwin told us to get in your colour team the colour I was in was red.

All the year six boys went into there line because  the year six girls where already  in tjhere line. Our teacher that was going to take us to all the sports was Mr Goodwin .

The first sport we did was relays how you have to run and jump over these things and do a zig zag the you have to turn back around our next one was the game that the girls already played the boys where after the girls activit after the girls it goes the boys .

The game we played with Mrs Parrant friend we had volley after that activity we did we did shotput the person who game first was me and the second one was no one because was had mornning tea after that we did all our activit at the end we had to watch all the fast people in our school was kurtas and all the other they had to do relays in the team colours after the relays they hade to vers the teachers in there own colour team after the relays we had to go back to class to get our back and get ready to go home .
The End

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